January 27, 2023

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 12 (27-01-2023)

                                                     27  January,2023 (Friday) 

                                    Day 12 (Mahadevi Varma)


    * The session on various Flagship programmes by Shri.Jugal Kishore,AC KVS Chandigarh Region was very informative as  flagship programmes are integral part of every Kendriya Vidyalaya activities. He discussed in detail about Balavatika,Anandvaar,FLN,Jigyasa,Tarunotsav,SBSB,Pustakopahar,Bhasha Sanagham,AKAM etc.

   * The tea break was followed by Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 in which the Honourable Prime Minister Shri.Narendra Modi interacted with students to motivate them to prepare for their Board exam without stress and fear.

  *  Mid Test was conducted after lunch break which was very easy for me.

January 26, 2023

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 11 (26-01-2023)


                                                   26  January,2023 (Thursday) 

                                       Day 11 (Mahatma Gandhi)

    *It was a very special proud day as  we celebrated 74th Republic day of our country with flag hoisting,sweet distribution and special assembly followed by cultural programme by the participants. Honouable Deputy Commissioner  and Course Director Shri.Mukesh Kumar took the first session on Inclusive Education in which he explained the different types of learning disabilities and need for including them in main stream.

   * Creation of digital book in book creator  platform was taken in the afternoon session

January 25, 2023

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 10 (25-01-2023)

                                             25  January,2023 (Wednesday) 

                                       Day 10 (Arundhati Roy)

        *Effective communication is one of the most important skill in every area of our life. The first session taken my Smt.Aparna Ray,T A was an interesting interactive session which helped to be confident in commucating effectively

        *One of the most sensitive issue of current society is sexual harassment at work places. The session taken by Shri.Jugal Kishore,AC RO Chandigarh touched all areas of the topic in detail which every one should know.

       *After the delicious lunch, the prsentation on different topics were made by 9 partcipants followed by Hands on session in the computer lab.

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 9 (24-01-2023)

                                                    24  January,2023 (Tuesday) 

                                       Day 9 (Sarojini Naidu)

        * National Girl Child Day

        * First session was on Open Educational Resources  (OER) by Adesh Sir in which he explained in detail about Indian initiative  and other out side OER sources. These resources are very helpful  and can be shared with our students.

        *In the he session  "Life Skills "by the Training Assocoate Ranjeet Kondhare Sir,he discussed about the various life skills to be developed in our students to cope up with the competitive world.

        *The demo presentations by 7 participants on different topics were very interesting and informative.

January 24, 2023

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 8 (23-01-2023)


                                23  January,2023 (Monday) 

                                  Day 8 (Khushwant Singh)

         * Observed Parakram Diwas (Netaji Jayanti) in the Morning assembly today.

        * Sessions were there on "planning & Creation of Digital Library" by Dr.Neerajkumar Singh, Deputy Librarian from A C Joshi Library in which he described about electronic,digital and virtual library aspects  and also about professional development.

        * Second session was on the very sensitive topic "NCPCR & POCSO" by Dr.P.K Upadhyay Sir, T A  which was very relevent and need of the hour for teachers. Some of the facts he explained were really shocking.

        * It was a wonderful experience to visit the  heritage A C Joshi Library of Punjab University which was inaugurated by the first Prime Minister of India- Shri.Jawaharlal Nehru in 1963. The library is using RFID for circulation and it is having a seperate session for visually impaired users.

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 7 (22-01-2023)


  22  January,2023 (Sunday) 

 Day 7 (R.K Narayan)

           *The session handled by Dr. Puneet Nudgil on "Awareness on  Cyber Security and Internet Safety" was relevant to us as we teachers are facing many issues related to cyber safety in schools. It helped to know more about website authenticity, phishing, spams, browsers to be selected etc. and tips to be safe in cyber world.

           *Librarians Diary is a very important document for a librarian to record  all the works a librarian is doing in school. As already I am maintaining Diary, it was easy to follow the session and cleared some of the doubts related to the Diary.

         *From the third and fourth sessions  I could learn Canva the graphic design platform which was not familiar to me but I wished to learn. And felt happy when I started to make a presentation in Canva platform.

January 22, 2023

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 6(21-01-2023)


                                21  January,2023 (Saturday) 

                                 Day6(Amitav Ghosh)                        

           *It was interesting to know more about G20 from the special item presented in today’s assembly programme and can be shared with my students when go back to school.

            *Learnt more about my role as a Librarian in my Vidyalaya  as a Teacher, Leader, Instructional partner, Information specialist and Program administrator. And  planned to read IFLA School Library Manifesto today after the class.

           *It was helpful to know tips to manage stress and how to improve mental health in personal as well as professional life by ABC (Aware-Balance-Control) strategy, Re framing, and Ventilation.

            *After attending the  afternoon session about creating Newsletters, I could   create a Newsletter sample and the skill will be helpful for coming activities of my library. 



January 21, 2023

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 5(20-01-2023)


                                              20  January,2023 (Friday) 

 Day 5 (Ruskin Bond)

         *  Learnt  more ideas and strategies to improve reading habits of not only in students but in  teachers too  from  Faisal sir which  can be implemented  in my library.
         * From the  dynamic , interactive and activity based Personality development session taken by Ms. Manjula Sularia , through three activities I could connect “ I” and the term ‘personality’ which is not external but inner self. The question ‘Why’ can solve almost all problems of our life. The most important thing I learned from this session is one who take care of self will be successful every where.

       *The  session on creating a wakelet platform for curate content across the web was my first experience in wakelet and after the session I was able to create a wakelet platform KV Nagercoil Virtual Library for my students with  some collections.                                    

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 4(19-01-2023)


                             19 January,2023 (Thursday) 

Day 4 (Anita Desai)

        *The training started with the session by Shri. Sunil Saini,RP  on NEP 2020 in which he discussed about all the aspects of National Education Policy 2020 and how the  role of school library and librarians will be changing

          * Faisal Sir's session on  Web tools to create a virtual library space was very useful to know about the features of Blog,wakelet,pod cast,sound cloud,link tree,canva ,book creator etc. as we are going to create our own digital portfolio using these tools.

        * During Hands on session created a platform in soundcloud for my school soundcloud.com/librarykvngl                               

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 3(18-01-2023)


  18  January,2023 (Wednesday) 

  Day 3 (Mulk Raj Anand)

        *The first session on Librarian as a academic leader taken by Shri.Mukesh Kumar, Course Director in which he discussed the qualities of a leader in different aspects. An assignment was given to us to write 10 qualities of a leader.

        * Work life balance and work ethics was the session taken by  Shri.Tarun Benerji.

        * Upgradation of Egranthalaya 4.0 was the session taken by Sunil Saini sir  and in the interactive session we raised lot of our doubts and anxieties to discuss. It was followed by the hands on session.

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 2(17-01-2023)


                                17  January,2023 (Tuesday) 

                                        Day 2 (Prem Chand)

        *The first session was on  KVS School Library Guidelines and User Manual By Shri S.L Faisal, Resource Person.

        *The session taken by Shri.Tek Chand ,Associate Course Director "School Safety" was very important for teachers and he discussed in detail all the areas of students  physical as well as emotional safety in the school.

        *In the last session was about creating blog in blogger platform.

January 18, 2023

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 1(16-01-2023)

                             16  January,2023 (Monday) 

                                     Day 1 (Tagore)

   The 21 Days In Service Course for TGT(Librarian)  started today (16-01-2023) at 9.30 am at KVS ZIET Chandigarh. There are 44 participants from 10 different regions. 

        *The programme was inaugurated  by Shri.Mukeshkumar,Hon.Deputy Commissioner,ZIET Chandigarh and Director of the Course. He wished us a comfortable stay with fruitful  learning .

   * It was followed by the session "Objectives of  the training programme" taken by Shri.Sunil Saini,the Course Co ordinator. The session was very helpful for understanding the aims and objectives of the course and to think ourselves why we are here. The ice breaking session was very enjoyable one and we got the chance to be familiar and friendly with other participants of the programme.

       * After lunch break, in the session, "How to create Digital Portfolio", Shri.S.L Faisal,the Resouce Person explained the basic components of a Digital Portfolio which was very helpful to understand.He described each and every minute points in a simple way.

    *In the last and final session, we were taken to the computer lab for Hands on session. Shri.Adeshkumar,the Resource Person handled the session to create the Digital Portfolio in the platform "Blogger". After the session,I could create a digital portfolio in blogger.


21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 20 (04-02-2023)

                                                                                                  04 February,2023 (Saturday)               ...