January 18, 2023

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 1(16-01-2023)

                             16  January,2023 (Monday) 

                                     Day 1 (Tagore)

   The 21 Days In Service Course for TGT(Librarian)  started today (16-01-2023) at 9.30 am at KVS ZIET Chandigarh. There are 44 participants from 10 different regions. 

        *The programme was inaugurated  by Shri.Mukeshkumar,Hon.Deputy Commissioner,ZIET Chandigarh and Director of the Course. He wished us a comfortable stay with fruitful  learning .

   * It was followed by the session "Objectives of  the training programme" taken by Shri.Sunil Saini,the Course Co ordinator. The session was very helpful for understanding the aims and objectives of the course and to think ourselves why we are here. The ice breaking session was very enjoyable one and we got the chance to be familiar and friendly with other participants of the programme.

       * After lunch break, in the session, "How to create Digital Portfolio", Shri.S.L Faisal,the Resouce Person explained the basic components of a Digital Portfolio which was very helpful to understand.He described each and every minute points in a simple way.

    *In the last and final session, we were taken to the computer lab for Hands on session. Shri.Adeshkumar,the Resource Person handled the session to create the Digital Portfolio in the platform "Blogger". After the session,I could create a digital portfolio in blogger.


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21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 20 (04-02-2023)

                                                                                                  04 February,2023 (Saturday)               ...