January 21, 2023

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 3(18-01-2023)


  18  January,2023 (Wednesday) 

  Day 3 (Mulk Raj Anand)

        *The first session on Librarian as a academic leader taken by Shri.Mukesh Kumar, Course Director in which he discussed the qualities of a leader in different aspects. An assignment was given to us to write 10 qualities of a leader.

        * Work life balance and work ethics was the session taken by  Shri.Tarun Benerji.

        * Upgradation of Egranthalaya 4.0 was the session taken by Sunil Saini sir  and in the interactive session we raised lot of our doubts and anxieties to discuss. It was followed by the hands on session.

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21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 20 (04-02-2023)

                                                                                                  04 February,2023 (Saturday)               ...