January 22, 2023

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 6(21-01-2023)


                                21  January,2023 (Saturday) 

                                 Day6(Amitav Ghosh)                        

           *It was interesting to know more about G20 from the special item presented in today’s assembly programme and can be shared with my students when go back to school.

            *Learnt more about my role as a Librarian in my Vidyalaya  as a Teacher, Leader, Instructional partner, Information specialist and Program administrator. And  planned to read IFLA School Library Manifesto today after the class.

           *It was helpful to know tips to manage stress and how to improve mental health in personal as well as professional life by ABC (Aware-Balance-Control) strategy, Re framing, and Ventilation.

            *After attending the  afternoon session about creating Newsletters, I could   create a Newsletter sample and the skill will be helpful for coming activities of my library. 



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21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 20 (04-02-2023)

                                                                                                  04 February,2023 (Saturday)               ...