February 04, 2023

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 20 (04-02-2023)


                                               04 February,2023 (Saturday) 

                                Day 20 (Sumitranandan Pant)

         *Some useful tools like-Padlet, Quizizz and creating QR Code  and Facebook page for the Library were introduced in the first session.

        *Story based teaching is an important aspect of NEP 2020 and Shri.Mukesh Kumar,Hon.Deputy Commissioner,ZIET Chandigarh in his session  beautifully explained the types stories, how to tell the stories effectively and benefits of story telling.

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 19 (03-02-2023)

                                                 03 February,2023 (Friday) 

                                     Day 19 (Kamala Das)

        *The first session was a wonderful and informative one -Library advocacy and collaborative activities in school library by Ms.Neeza Singh, Librarian, T.S Central State Library, Chandigarh.

        *She brought many  wonderful materials made by the children as part of different activities she conducted in the library.

        *Post Test of the In service course was also conducted and it was quite easy.

         *After the sumptuous lunch, we visited the prestigious T.S Central State Library in sector 17.The library is situated in a heritage building designed by Le Corbuiser, the designer of Chandigarh city.

February 02, 2023

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 18 (02-02-2023)


                                    02 February,2023 (Thursday) 

                                          Day 18 (Salman Rushdie)

            *Session on Class Library set up as per KVS Library Policy by Shri.Bipin Dhuva,TA was very interesting  as he discussed many innovative methods to make the Class Libraries meaningful.

             *Today had a very informative online session with Shri.Mujib Rahman ,Librarian,KV Kanjikode who got Full Bright Scholarship  shared his experiences in USA .

          *Afternoon session was to complete the assigned works.

February 01, 2023

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 17 (01-02-2023)

                                               01 February,2023 (Wednesday) 

                                          Day 17 (Aravind Adiga)

        *The day was started with the session  on Action Research by Shri.Tejinder Singh,TA. He beautifully explained  Action Research in simple way pointing out in terms of Library service.

        *It was another interesting session by Shri.Rajiv Ranjan,TA on Work Ethics in which he described 11 aspects of work ethics and the session ended with some interesting question answer activity.

        *The last session was for completing assigned group activity.


21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 16 (31-01-2023)

                                  31 January,2023 (Tuesday) 

                                    Day 16 (Vikram Seth)

         *The first session was very useful and informative "Intellectual Property Right,Copyright and Plagiarism by Prof.Rupak Chakrabarty,Punjab University. He presented the subject in a simple way so it was easy to understand the complex concepts.

       *Career Counselling is an important service of a Librarian in KVS. NEP 2020 also suggests vocational based education.In his session on Career Counselling and Guidance, Dr.Anupam S Prakash,TA,KVS ZIET CHD discussed about various  job oriented vocational subjects and courses.

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 15 (30-01-2023)

                               30 January,2023 (Monday) 

                                    Day 15 (Kiran Desai)

      * Creation of   Book clubs are one of the  salient feature of NEP 2020 to promote wide spread reading among students. Shri.Sunil Saini,Course Coordinator pointed out the objectives, constitution and role of Book Clubs in the Vidyalaya.

       * The session by Dr.Neerajkumar Singh from Punjab University on New trends in Libraries was very interesting as it opened the doors to know the latest trends and developments in the Library field.

        * Committee meeting was conducted to discuss about the assigned group work.  

21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 14 (29-01-2023)

                                                   29 January,2023 (Sunday) 

                                    Day 14 (Amrita Pritam)

    * An intersting session on  Artificial Intelligence (AI)  taken by Dr.Puneet Mudgil in which he explained different AI based sites and applications. He demonstrated Talk to books, Copy.ai, DALL.E, Open AI etc and it was a new experience.

   *  Social media which connects people is an important tool which can be used to promote our library activities. Mr.Faisal,RP described all the possibilities of social media in academic library scenario.


21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 13 (28-01-2023)

                                                        28  January,2023 (Saturday) 

                                         Day 13 (Jhumpa Lahiri)

     * Visited some of the important places like Rock Garden, Bird Sanctuary, Sukhna Lake and Rose Garden as part of the local tour  of the In service course. It was the happiest day and everyone enjoyed by dancing and singing. The day was memorable as explored some of the beauty sports of Chandigarh.


21 Days ISC for Librarians 2023- Day 20 (04-02-2023)

                                                                                                  04 February,2023 (Saturday)               ...